To exchange or not to exchange
It has been said that ‘worrying’ is a universal currency spanning generations, so when my relatives say us youngsters have nothing to worry about, it does make me raise...
2 min read
It’s true, contactless payments are on the rise!
1 min read
You might be used to spending without thinking, but in the “real world”, that I am always told about, there are more things you need to be aware of…
2 min read
What is Shrove Tuesday? Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as ‘Pancake Day’ is finally here – the one day where you are let off for throwing food in the kitchen – well to...
1 min read
While everything is starting to go cashless there is the need to go to the cash machine every now and then. Keeping your card and card details safe at a cash machine is...
1 min read
I’m pleased to announce that we’re heading towards the school summer holidays very quickly. Great news for us kids, not so great for parents and carers!
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Family meal times should be exciting, a time to reflect on the day passed and to enjoy some honest, tasty food.
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In last week’s blog, we touched on setting up your parent account.
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With the summer holidays drawing closer and the normal school schedule disappearing it can be a busy season for parents planning different holidays and activities to...
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You may have seen #CharityTuesday trending on Twitter, or popping up on your Instagram feed, but what is it and how do you get involved?
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So, you’ve just finished your exams or you’re on your way to finishing them.
3 min read
Whilst re-gifting might not be at the top of everyone’s to do list, when done tactfully and with a little thought the art of re-gifting not only helps to save money on...
2 min read
Are you tired of pestering mum and dad for spare change or their debit card to spend online? We think it’s time that you took back that power to become savvy,...
2 min read
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