A small cost makes a big difference
We work hard to keep the majority of our services free for use. However, we have to charge a small fee for some services to cover costs levied by others.
£2.49 per month or £28 per year
Family Discount*
First nimbl pocket money card: £2.49 per month or £28 per year.
Any additional nimbl pocket money cards: £1.99 each per month or £23 each per year.
*Automatically applied and available to new customers.
How Does it Work?
It’s simple! The first nimbl pocket money card is £2.49 per month or £28 per year. Any additional cards on your account for your family members will receive a discounted price of £1.99 per month or £23.00 per year.
Why are there costs?
We work hard to keep the majority of our services free for you to use. However, we have to charge a small fee for some services to cover costs levied by others. Ensuring we can continue to support financial confidence for young people, these are small costs that make a big difference.
Getting your cards
Ordering a nimbl card
Card activation
Online PIN reminder
PIN change at a cash machine
Card renewal when it expires
Parent's nimbl account
Account top-up via debit card on nimbl.com
Account top-up via debit card on nimbl mobile app
Transfer funds between parent account and nimbl card
Paying regular allowances or pocket money
Setting up spending limits
Using the nimbl web portal
Download & use nimbl mobile app
Receive instant notifications via the nimbl app
View your online statement
Share your gift link with family and friends
Receive gifts from family and friends
Lock & unlock nimbl card online or in the nimbl app
Access our friendly customer support team
Young people's nimbl card
Shop online & in store
UK cash withdrawals
Pay using contactless
Use nimbl savings
Transfer money between nimbl card & nimbl savings
Use nimbl web portal
Download & use nimbl mobile app
View your nimbl statement
Receive instant alerts via the nimbl app
Share gift link with family and friends
Access our friendly customer support team
Just a few nimbl costs
Service charge (if charged monthly)
£2.49 per nimbl card
Any additional cards (if charged monthly)
£1.99 per nimbl card
Service charge (if charged annually)
£28.00 per nimbl card
Any additional cards (if charged annually)
£23.00 per nimbl card
Replacing a lost, stolen or damaged card
£5.00 per card
Taking out money at cash machines
£1.50 per withdrawal (overseas)
Exchange rate fee for any foreign currency transaction
2.95% per transaction value
Administration fee for chargeback processing**
Refreshing to recieve caring and efficient customer care
"We had to recently close my son's account after many years of fab service, because he was turning 18 years old, so had outgrown his child account and the support we received from nimbl was quick, easy and very efficient (as always!)."
Katie, nimbl customer
nimbl's Fantasic Features
Instant Top Up
Transfer money to your children instantly, whether they are out shopping or on the other side of the world.
Digital Pocket Money
Set up and automate weekly or monthly pocket money – saving both time and removing the need to have cash for regular rewarding.
Spending Alerts
Real time notifications every time your children use their nimbl cards, with the amount spent, and where.
Family and friends can transfer money to your childrens nimbl card, helping your children form good money habits.
Savings in many forms
Saving regularly, once off or with our handy micro-savings feature, your children can save between 5p and £5 every time their nimbl card is used.
Spending Controls
You can set daily, weekly or monthly spending limits, no ATM withdrawals or online spending - not a problem because the controls are in your hands.
Take it from the thousands of families using nimbl in the UK
Get started with your pocket money card today
The fun and easy way to learn about something so important! Get started with your nimbl account today and watch your children become confident with money.