The nimbl Money Quest: School Holiday Edition
7 fun challenges to boost your child’s money confidence these school holidays School’s out, but the learning doesn’t have to stop! The holidays are the perfect time for...
2 min read
Understanding credit is essential for your child’s long-term financial success, however it is likely one of the topics they understand the least. Learning what credit...
2 min read
Children learn how to handle money by watching their parents, and thus they will inherit most of the same financial habits that their parents display. Therefore, the...
3 min read
Now the summer holidays have commenced, you may already feel the strain on your purse strings and with 6 more weeks to go it may seem like conquering the impossible to...
3 min read
School’s out for the summer and the holidays are here – for some at least! Whilst sunshine and free time can be a perfect storm for summer spending, it also presents a...
3 min read
Pocket money cards are prepaid cards, with corresponding apps, designed specifically for children and teenagers to learn about money management in a safe and controlled...
7 min read
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