Money Smart Blog

Money top tips from Table Fables' CEO! - nimbl

Written by Amber Kelsey | Aug 11, 2019 11:00:00 PM

This summer, we’ve partnered up with Table Fables, to help children learn their times tables and the importance of managing their money within the school gates and beyond!

Mum of 3, Rebecca Ginger, set up Table Fables 2 years ago when she noticed her own children were struggling with the conventional approach for learning times tables within schools:

“Something had to change, methods used 50 years ago to teach times tables just aren’t working with today’s society. The way children learn is evolving – now that we’re part of a more digital society children tend to prefer fun and interactive learning methods and that’s exactly what Tables Fables provides!”

We caught up with Rebecca to find out about her own money habits…

1. How did you learn about money as a child?
After my father died of a brain tumour when I was six years old my mother had to be very careful with her spending. My siblings and I watched and learnt from the daily decisions she took to save money. I also had a post office account and enjoyed making deposits and watching my savings grow.

2. Do you give your own children pocket money?
My children are meant to receive pocket money, but I always forget! However, now that I’ve set up nimbl accounts for them, life will be easier.

3. What’s the difference between pocket money when you were a child to how it is now?
Nowadays, children seem to receive more pocket money and want more expensive items. When I was a child, we had to save for ages to buy a treasured item.

4. What’s your number one financial top tip for children?
Research and plan your spending. Buy cheap, buy twice! I’ve learnt this the hard way over the years!

5. What is the best piece of money advice you’ve ever been given?
Take care of your pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. Spend on education and experiences. Education creates more opportunity and experiences enrich your life.

6. What’s your top tip for parents on teaching kids the value of money?
Set by example, life is your children’s classroom! Show them good examples of people who have been wise with money.

7. Are you a spender or a saver?
Hopefully a bit of both! Saving allows for guilt-free spending.

8. What do you love most about your job?
I love the light bulb moment when children use Table Fables and discover maths isn’t such a scary horrible subject, but one you can also have fun with.

9. How do you see the future for societal spending?
I believe savings will decrease, and in turn we will see an increase in spending on impulsive online purchases and virtual items.

10. How valuable do you think learning about numbers and money is for children growing up today?
Years of research suggests that if we aren’t able to grasp the understanding of money or numbers as a child, this can have implications as an adult.

11. What are your top tips for making maths fun?
Turn everything into a story. Stories are the best way to pass knowledge from one generation to the next. If you make those stories funny, children pay more attention!

From August 12th, we have teamed up with Table Fables to give away £4,000 worth of prizes for children completing their times tables! Forty masterminds will win one of the £100 prizes –  read more information about their 17-day challenge here.

The money will be paid into a child’s nimbl account, and for a limited time only you can make the most to help your child learn to manage their money responsibly, sign up here!