Money Smart Blog

Should I start teaching my child about money from age 6? - nimbl

Written by Lauren Smith | Aug 22, 2023 11:00:00 PM

When to Start Teaching Your Child About Money: A Guide for Parents

As parents, we often find ourselves pondering when the right time is to introduce our children to the world of money. It’s a topic that becomes increasingly relevant as our kids grow and start to show an interest in the things around them. Perhaps your kindergartener is transitioning to school, or maybe they’re just starting their educational journey. Regardless, the question remains: at what age should we begin teaching our children about money? Is six years old too young? They’ve quite possibly already demonstrated a budding curiosity about money every time they ask us to buy them something. You might have even heard them exclaim, “I need a card like yours so I can buy stuff!” It’s evident that our children are smarter than we might think, especially during these formative years. So, let’s explore the idea of whether starting financial education at age six is the right move.

The Curious Minds of Young Learners

It’s fascinating to witness how quickly children absorb information, particularly when they’re entering school or in their first few years of formal education. This is a prime opportunity to instill foundational knowledge, including basic concepts of money. While it might sound complex, introducing money matters to your child need not involve a strict curriculum. Instead, consider a gentle initiation into the world of currency exchange and the concept of earning money.

The Basics of Early Financial Education

At the age of six, children are beginning to understand the value of objects and the relationships between them. This is an ideal starting point for introducing the basic concept of money. Begin with simple explanations, such as showing them the different coins and bills, and explaining how they’re used to buy things. You could even engage them in minor purchasing decisions, allowing them to see firsthand how money is exchanged for goods.

Making Money Real Through Everyday Life

Teaching financial literacy doesn’t necessitate formal lessons. Instead, integrate money discussions into your daily routine. Involve your child in grocery shopping, giving them a hands-on experience with money. Explain your choices based on budget considerations. This practical approach not only teaches them about money but also helps them develop critical decision-making skills.

Earning and Learning

Introducing the notion of earning money can be a powerful lesson for young minds. Connect the idea of money to work by assigning them age-appropriate chores or tasks within the family. This teaches them that money is earned through effort and responsibility. Moreover, it lays the foundation for a healthy work ethic—an invaluable lesson that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Fostering Financial Responsibility

As your child matures, so can the complexity of their financial education. By starting early, you’re giving them a head start in developing essential money management skills. As they enter their preteen years, you can delve into more advanced topics, such as saving, budgeting, and the concept of wants versus needs. These lessons will be better received and understood because they’ve already been exposed to the basics.

A Sensible Introduction for a Promising Future

In a world where financial literacy is increasingly crucial, providing your child with a sensible introduction to money is a gift that keeps on giving. Starting at a young age not only builds their understanding of money but also cultivates positive attitudes toward earning, saving, and spending responsibly. It equips them with the skills needed to navigate a world filled with financial decisions.

In conclusion, the question of when to start teaching your child about money finds its answer in the early years of their education. Around the age of six, children are naturally curious about the world around them, making it an opportune time to gently introduce them to basic concepts of money exchange and earning. Remember, financial education doesn’t have to be rigid; it can be seamlessly integrated into everyday life. By empowering your child with financial knowledge from a young age, you’re providing them with a solid foundation for a financially responsible future. So, seize the moment and embark on this journey of learning and growth alongside your child.