Is having a part time job good for your child?

Life for a teenager in today’s society can be expensive and many young people now learn to balance school work and a part time job.

As a parent, you may be concerned that a part time job could become a distraction from their studying. But in actual fact, we believe a part time job can have a number of benefits for now and setting your child up for a full-time career in the future.

By having a part time job your child can:

  • Develop professional skills such as timekeeping and teamwork
  • Earn additional money
  • Get experience and a reference, which will aid applying for future jobs

So how do you support your child if they are looking for a part time job?

Undoubtably as a parent, you have gained ample experience of the working world and this wisdom should be shared with your child before they jump into getting their first part time role.

A great place to start is by looking at what industries are most likely to hire part time workers and also where your child would be most interested in working thinking specifically about what they could learn from their role. 

Vacancies for young people looking for part-time work are mostly in:

  • Shops
  • Restaurants, cafes or fast food outlets
  • Admin
  • Call centres
  • Hairdressers

Seasonal jobs are also on the increase, such as during the upcoming Christmas period – with the added benefit of working during a school holiday season and therefore balancing school work and part time work will become easier.

If your child has a part time job, and is managing to juggle school work and their mini career, get in touch and share their experience – we’d love to hear from you!

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